Welcome to the Float Handbook! This guide is part of our onboarding process for new team members, an ongoing resource for our current team and, as we also share publicly, it also lets us share what working at Float is like for potential future hires.

By sharing who we are, how we work (async first!), and what we stand for, we aim to be completely open and honest from day one and support our team to live their #bestworklife.

This guide answers many of the frequently asked questions we receive and links to a curated list of Float blog posts that will help provide a clearer picture of what makes us tick.

While we’ve made this handbook public, there are some links that are for Float team members only, these are marked with a 🔒 so are not publicly available.

About us

Our story

Our mission & values

Best work life manifesto

We’re a B Corporation

How we work

Join our team

🎯 Open roles

The ‘hell yes!’ metric for hiring

Hiring process

Working at Float

Code of conduct


Connection and collaboration


Policies, guides and processes

Frequently asked questions

AI: Practical and ethical use

Perks and benefits

Time away from work

Perks and benefits


Annual Team Meetup

Stay in the Loop

💌 Sign up for our Best Work Life newsletter

Get exclusive tips on asynchronous work and remote team culture. Sent every quarter.

👉 Check out our blog to sign-up

🤳 Connect on social media

See our latest updates and job openings on LinkedIn.

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Page Ownership: Operations Team, Sarah
