We believe in an inclusive and safe workplace, therefore Float commits to being a harassment and discrimination-free space for everyone, regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, nationality, personal appearance, professional background, race, religion, or sexual identity.

Float Standards

Here is how we are committed to creating a healthy environment:

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

Float Team Responsibilities

Everyone is responsible for upholding these standards and adhering to Float Values. All employees should be clear and equitable when applying standards of acceptable behavior. Any manager is required to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. If you have questions about the standards above, talk to Operations.

This Code of Conduct applies both within Float during work hours and in public spaces when you’re representing Float. Examples of representing Float in public spaces include acting as a delegate at an online or offline event like a conference, posting on Float branded social media, or participating in Float social events outside of work hours.

Enforcement Process

If you notice someone acting inappropriately, as described in the standards above, you can report it by contacting Georgie or Glenn. Additionally, you can complete a complaint form which can be anonymous if you choose.

All complaints will be reviewed and investigated, resulting in a response appropriate to the circumstances. Managers are required to maintain confidentiality.

After your complaint has been reviewed, investigated, and responded to, Georgie or Glenn will inform you of the steps being taken to address the original issue and any disciplinary outcomes.