<aside> 🇺🇸 As a US company, our perks and benefits are designed with that as the default. We try our best to provide comparable benefits and perks outside the US where possible. Look at the information below to see how it applies to you as a contractor (outside the US) or employee (in the US). Here is more information about working as a contractor vs an employee at Float.
<aside> 🧮 Please note that all perks are calculated on an annual basis and are dependent on capacity. Stipends are not carried forward from one year to the next.
Celebrating your Float Anniversary
Learning and Development Stipend
<aside> 💳 As a default, we use Ramp virtual visa cards to manage most of our perks and benefits. To get started, please review Using Ramp Virtual Visa for Work Expenses, Perks & Benefits
Page Ownership: Operations, Sarah