At our company, we prioritize the learning and development of our team. To facilitate this, we provide an annual stipend of $500 USD for both personal and professional growth. Additionally, team members are entitled to take up to two paid days off to further support their learning and development.

You can use your L&D stipend for various activities, such as:

<aside> πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ For conferences, we'd rather they're either virtual or held in your hometown. If you're a US employee and are interested in a conference somewhere else, we'll follow the state laws on covering travel expenses.


Team members are encouraged to utilize their Learning and Development (L&D) Ramp card, valued at $500 USD, for their career development. Small purchases of $100 USD or less, such as books or newsletter subscriptions, can be made directly without requiring manager approval. However, any purchase exceeding $100 USD will require prior approval from your manager.

This process is more than just about approvals. It's an opportunity to have meaningful career development conversations with your manager. Before making a larger purchase, be prepared to discuss the following:

  1. The details of the L&D activity, including its duration, if it requires time away from work, and its cost.
  2. What you expect to learn from this L&D activity.
  3. How this learning will help you develop in your current role.
  4. The support you would like from your manager during and after this L&D activity.

This information should be shared with your manager either during your 1:1 or over Slack. Once your manager approves your L&D request, proceed with the purchase using your L&D Ramp card.

<aside> πŸ‘‰ If you are unsure where to begin and would like some support in researching L&D opportunities, DM Amber.


Here's how you claim your expense

Ideally, we want to issue you a Ramp Virtual Visa Card for this expense, so when you are ready to purchase, please reach out to Sarah, and she will issue you a card. If that doesn't work for you, then please follow the normal process πŸ‘‡πŸ»