A day in lieu is extra time off, granted on a case-by-case basis when extra work time is required that is outside of the usual work hours. Under certain circumstances, team members are entitled to days in lieu, which they can use in the same way as a PTO day.

<aside> 📆 Requests to use the day in lieu in Float must have a note explaining what the day in lieu is for 👇🏻


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Examples of when days in lieu would be granted include traveling more than 20 hours one way for a meetup or coverage during NO FOMO week when the rest of the team is offline.


Here's a simple checklist for Day In Lieu requests

<aside> 🌴 Remember to always set your Slack with an emoji or an “OOO” message when you are booked off.


How to Book Your Days in Lieu

🇺🇸  US Team Members booking Days in Lieu is a 2-step process:

<aside> 🇺🇸 If you are a US Employee entitled to a day in lieu, send Sarah a DM in Slack, and she will update your Rippling profile.


  1. Schedule the Days in Lieu in Float & wait for approval.
  2. Add it to your Rippling profile.

🌏  Contractor Team Members booking Days in Lieu is a 1-step process:

  1. Schedule the Days in Lieu in Float & wait for approval.

<aside> ❓ If you have questions, we’re here to help. If anything’s unclear or you need assistance planning your time off, don’t hesitate to reach out to your manager or DM @Sarah Tessier on Slack.
