Our Mission 🏔

To help every organization plan their work time better.

Why? Because time is too valuable to be planned poorly.

Our Values 🤝

We hold ourselves and our teammates accountable for these five values.

Strive for great over good enough

To be considered the best in our industry, we must hold ourselves to high standards.

We stand by our work because it reflects our effort. There’s heart in our solutions.

We aspire to lift our ideals and harbor a healthy discontent with the status quo. Maintaining our standards means not sacrificing them for speed or frequency.

Achieving greatness requires iteration and experimentation—perfection is not the goal.

Be radically truthful and kind

Speaking with truth builds trust and understanding and leads to more meaningful relationships. When we do so kindly, we are considerate and helpful.

Reflecting openly and acknowledging our strengths and flaws shows we’re a work in progress. Please don’t shy away from delivering harsh truths; it helps improve ourselves and others. By doing it kindly we can transform our strengths and flaws into opportunities to improve.

When we speak truthfully to our customers, they won’t always agree with every decision, but they will respect our honesty.

In an environment where truth is spoken freely and openly, the best ideas win by meritocracy, and we can build a better product.

Seek continuous improvement

Self-improvement is the highest leverage investment of our time.

Remain curious and open-minded to new ideas. Share your opinions often, as it provides a forum for others to share theirs and helps build perspective. Seek outcomes over ego. Welcome feedback; don’t defend against it.